Subsequent calculation

Subsequent calculation

You get a detailed online overview of all costs and turnovers made and expected on a specific project. You can also consult this over the various projects. This gives you even more control of your projects; before, after and mainly during the project.

Uurregistratie - nacalculatie

Adjust projects

Because you have a better view on your running projects, you can react quickly. This is especially useful for long-term projects which you can control and adjust even more for a most efficient result.

Projectbeheer - rol projectleider

Profitability check

Because the subsequent calculation allows you to connect all costs and profits, you can have a critical look at the profitability of your projects and maintenance contracts. It allows you to adjust calculations if necessary, or to assess teams upon their performances. This has a positive influence on the profitability of your company.

Nacalculatie - rendabiliteitscontrole


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