
General accountancy

For the legal general accountancy of your company (accounting plan, income statement, VAT declaration). Report schemes and warranties can be anticipated. Integration with Isabel 6 is provided to execute payments with more ease, as well as sending reminders according to specific reminder terms if payment arrangements are not met. 

Boekhouding - rol boekhouder 2

Approval of the purchase invoices

Sometimes it takes long to get purchase invoices approved, or invoices get lost and hinder an efficient budget management. With OCR text recognition software you can digitally process incoming invoices and start approval procedures. Invoices are approved much quicker which is an enormous time gain. Moreover, the supplier can possibly give you extra discounts.

Boekhouding - goedkeuring aankoopfacturen


Thanks to the digitalised invoicing process, the administration of the Flemish Government and of its suppliers can be done much easier. Electronic invoicing increases efficiency and is beneficial for the cashflow of companies. An opportunity not to be missed!

Facturatie - e-invoicing

Analytical accounts

Besides the general accounts, the analytical accounts module gives you a more profound insight into the costs and profits of your company. It allows you to make reports per dimension, for instance for a particular customer or a department of your company. 

Boekhouding - analytisch

Fixed assets

This module allows you to manage your fixed assets, and to automatically book depreciations (linear or reducing balance). You can also link fixed assets to a resource to plan equipment, and to report costs and profits.

Boekhouding - vast actief


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